Video Tutorials

Write Better Search Listings

You can grow your business by transforming your Google search listings

What you’ll learn

Understand what SEO keywords are and how to find realistic and relevant keyword for your web pages, for free (and cheap)

Discover how to write magnetic title tags that’ll attract the attention of your ideal buyers

Explore techniques for crafting click-worthy meta descriptions that’ll increase the number of people clicking on your search listings

Discover how to harness the power of structured data to beat your competitors (no coding required!)

Master tools and techniques for measuring and monitoring your SEO progress


You don’t need to know anything about SEO

No coding knowledge required either

You don’t even need to be a stellar writer

To get the most out of this course, it would be great if you have a website and have verified it in Google Search Console. If you don’t have either of those things, you can still do all the activities, but you’ll miss out on a couple of useful bits and pieces. If you have a website and you haven’t got yourself a Google Search Console account, please do. It’s free and almost infinitely valuable if your goal is to get website traffic from Google. If you haven’t got a Google Search Console account when you start the course, we’ll share instructions for setting it up.


You offer great things. Isn’t it time people knew that?You know people love what you’re selling. But no matter what you do, you just can’t seem to attract as many people to your site as you know should be interested.The problem might just be your search listings — you know, the little summaries search engines show when people Google stuff.Good search listings are critical for your business successMore than half of all website traffic comes from people searching via Google and other search engines, so if your web pages aren’t getting that volume of search traffic, your website may not be fulfilling its traffic potentialAs you’ve no doubt experienced yourself, most people (more than 99%) never scroll past the first page of search results, so if your search listings aren’t good enough to get you onto the first page of the search results, your pages will rarely be seen on Google and other search enginesWhen people click on a search listing, more than 50% of the time, they’re clicking on one of the search listings in the top three positions on the page of search results, so if your search listings aren’t good enough to get you into the top 3 positions, you’re likely missing out on a lot of search trafficWriting a good title for your search listings is the second most important thing you can do on your website to boost your search traffic (we call that ‘on-page SEO’)Search listing secrets are waiting for youYou can achieve good search listings without becoming an SEO expert. You don’t even have to hire an SEO copywriter. And you definitely don’t need one of those shady SEO companies that demand hundreds or even thousands of dollars a month yet never actually seem to make a difference to a site’s performance.The Write Better Search Listings Course does exactly what its title implies. It lays out, step by step, everything you need to do to craft good search listings.. even if you know nothing about SEO. even if you don’t know how to code. even if you’re not a professional writerWhat you’ll discover in the Write Better Search Listings CourseWhat SEO keywords are and how to find realistic and relevant keywords for your web pages, for free (and cheap)How to write magnetic title tags that’ll attract the attention of your ideal buyersTechniques for crafting click-worthy meta descriptions that’ll increase the number of people clicking on your search listingsHow to harness the power of structured data to beat your competitors (no coding required!)Tools and techniques for measuring and monitoring your SEO progressReady to attract more website traffic?The sooner you get started crafting compelling search listings for your website, the sooner you can boost your search rankings and traffic, so enroll now!


Section 1: Introduction

Lecture 1 Introduction to search listings and their importance

Section 2: Basic keyword research and selection

Lecture 2 Decoding keyword research and its significance

Lecture 3 Google Search Console keyword research made easy

Lecture 4 Google Keyword Planner and Ubersuggest keyword research made easy

Section 3: Effective search listing titles

Lecture 5 The art of crafting effective SEO titles

Lecture 6 SEO title best practices

Section 4: Meta descriptions

Lecture 7 Mastering meta descriptions and their impact

Lecture 8 Meta descriptions best practices

Section 5: URL slugs

Lecture 9 Unravelling the world of URL slugs

Lecture 10 Slug best practices

Section 6: Behind the scenes

Lecture 11 Behind the scenes of search engine listings

Section 7: Structured data

Lecture 12 What is structured data and why is it essential?

Section 8: On-page optimisation

Lecture 13 Mastering the art of on-page optimisation

Section 9: SEO performance

Lecture 14 Monitoring and measuring SEO performance

Section 10: Conclusion

Lecture 15 Wrapping It Up and Moving Forward

We designed this course for small business owners, managers, and marketers who know nothing about SEO and nothing about coding. But basically, if you need to attract more search traffic and you don’t know how to create a great search listing, you’ll learn something from this course. If you’re not an SEO beginner, or you have some coding skills, you might just be able to skip some of the more basic explanations and background info.

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