Photography and PhotoshopVideo Training

Photo Manipulation Principles Unlock Images Full-Potential & Create A Masterful Artwork!

Photo Manipulation Principles  Unlock Images Full-Potential & Create A Masterful Artwork!
Photo Manipulation Principles : Unlock Images Full-Potential & Create A Masterful Artwork!
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Genre / Category:Photoshop Tutorials
File Size :317MB

In this class we are going to dive deep into photo manipulation, to help you create a masterful artwork from just some random pictures that you stumbled upon on google 😀
Photo manipulation is the art of forming a masterful artwork, from just an idea you got swiping through you favorite social media platforms.
We will cover topics like :
Image FormationCompositionImage PerspectiveFocal PointColor & Color HarmonyEnvironment’s TouchThis class will save you lots of time and struggles that you might encounter when it comes to creating your own graphic design from scratch.

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