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Money Manifestation – Powerful Law Of Attraction – Level -2

Heal and manifest to attract financial abundance & become a wealth magnet

What you’ll learn

Learn how to create a winning mindset that attracts wealth and abundance.

Experience a series of powerful methods/techniques to help you applying to your own financial situation.

Upgrade your Money Frequency while healing the money blocks that you are not aware off

Heal and release your Limiting beliefs and negative emotional patterns of Money and start attracting abundance


You need to be open to imbibe everything that you will learn in this program and set yourself free from the shackles of money blocks


Learn these secrets which can help YOU master attracting money and start getting a flow of money from expected and unexpected sources.Release your Money Blocks with a unique combination of healing & manifestation.This Course includes-Overcoming Money Blocks, Fears & InhibitionsTap into your Highest Money VibrationUnlock your Wealthy code & start manifesting.Passive Incomes and Book writing and publishing your first Book.Model the powerful beliefs of BillionaireThis is a transformative program designed to empower individuals with the knowledge and skills necessary to achieve financial abundance and freedom. This immersive training experience provides participants with a comprehensive understanding the mindset shifts required for long-term success. This is a game-changer for anyone seeking to unlock their financial potential and build a solid foundation for wealth creation.Wealth/Money mastery combined with the Law of Attraction is a powerful approach to creating abundance and financial success. The Law of Attraction states that like attracts like, and by aligning our thoughts, beliefs, and emotions with the energy of abundance, we can manifest wealth into our lives. When applied to wealth mastery, the Law of Attraction can enhance the process of attracting and creating financial prosperity.In summary, combining wealth mastery with the Law of Attraction harnesses the power of positive thinking, visualization, gratitude, and aligned actions to manifest financial abundance. It is a holistic approach that incorporates both mindset and practical strategies, empowering individuals to attract and create wealth in their lives.Check which are the areas to be worked upon-Clarity of Intent: The Law of Attraction requires clarity in defining your financial goals and desires. By clearly identifying what you want to achieve in terms of wealth and abundance, you set a clear intention that the universe can respond to.Positive Mindset: Maintaining a positive mindset is crucial in wealth mastery with the Law of Attraction. Cultivating thoughts and beliefs that are aligned with abundance and wealth creates a vibrational match with the financial success you desire. This includes affirmations, visualization, and focusing on gratitude for the wealth that is already present in your life.Aligning Actions: While the Law of Attraction emphasizes the power of thoughts and emotions, it’s essential to align those positive vibrations with inspired action. Taking proactive steps towards your financial goals, such as investing, networking, or starting a business, allows the universe to provide opportunities and support your journey to wealth mastery.Letting Go of Limiting Beliefs: Limiting beliefs around money and abundance can block the flow of wealth. It’s important to identify and release any negative beliefs or patterns that may be holding you back. Replace them with empowering beliefs that support your financial growth and align with the Law of Attraction.Gratitude and Visualization: Regularly practicing gratitude for the wealth and abundance in your life, as well as visualizing your desired financial outcomes, strengthens your alignment with the Law of Attraction. Visualize yourself already living the life of financial success you desire, feeling the emotions associated with it.Trust and Surrender: Trusting in the process and surrendering to the universe’s timing is crucial. Have faith that the universe is working behind the scenes to manifest your financial desires. Avoid desperation or attachment to specific outcomes, as it can hinder the Law of Attraction.By combining wealth mastery principles with the Law of Attraction, you can tap into the limitless potential of the universe and manifest the financial abundance you seek. It requires conscious alignment of your thoughts, beliefs, emotions, and actions with your financial goals. With dedication, practice, and a belief in your ability to attract wealth, you can create a life of financial prosperity and fulfillment.


Section 1: Introduction

Lecture 1 Wealth Mastery Introduction

Lecture 2 What is Money Mastery and Manifestation Tool along with the law of attraction

Lecture 3 Powerful Money Affirmations

Lecture 4 How to upgrade your Money Frequency

Section 2: Wealth Mastery- Lesson 1- Remove money resistances with the dot technique

Lecture 5 Know about the dot technique to attract money

Lecture 6 Recognizing Money blocks & Revision

Lecture 7 Changing the Limiting beliefs to Empowering Money Beliefs

Section 3: Reprogram your Subconscious Mind and Align your Vibrations with the Money Energy

Lecture 8 Traits of Happy Millionaire

Lecture 9 Power of Gratitude to upgrade your Money Frequency

Lecture 10 Magical ways of becoming a Money Magnet

Lecture 11 Few more Traits of a Millionaire- Appreciate and power of acceptance

Section 4: How to generate money through your Passive Income

Lecture 12 Write a low content book and publish

Section 5: A Magical way to align with the Money Energy and attract financial abundance

Lecture 13 A Magical way to align with the Money Energy and become a Money Magnet

Lecture 14 Transform your resistances into Opportunities

Lecture 15 Power up your Affirmations and Program your Brain Neurons

Lecture 16 Powerful Visualization Technique to pull financial abundance

Lecture 17 Action Frequency of Billionaire to attract financial abundance

Section 6: Aura Cleansing Method and remove your financial blocks

Lecture 18 Aura Cleansing Practical Exercise

Lecture 19 Aura Cleansing Part – Queries & Learn to Delegate your work

People who are eager to upgrade their money frequency and gear up to become a money magnet

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