Ingram Audio Drum Daddy v1.0 KONTAKT

Ingram Audio Drum Daddy v1.0 KONTAKT | 1.16 Gb
Drum Daddy is an all new fully loaded virtual drum instrument, jam packed with samples for every style. Whether it’s rock, country, metal or even polka, Drum Daddy has you covered. And with the easy to use interface and built in controls, nothing can stop you from getting the DADDY of all drum tones with the click of your mouse.
Features 17 individually controlled Direct, Overhead, and Room Channels to give you the most control. All Channels can be routed to your DAWS individual channels using the built in Output menu. Each Channel can be clicked on and highlighted to feature more detailed control options. From L/R swapping the Overheads to changing the pitch, you’ve got all the tools necessary to create the sound in your head.
Built in controls and FX give you the freedom to shape the drums anyway you desire. Use the Girth and Stank sliders to add more character to your drums. The built in Compressors and EQ allow you to do all mixing without any additional plugins.
One of the biggest goals with Drum Daddy was to make sure the room and overheads had that authentic sound and response that live tracked drums have. The room is what makes the drums, and most of the time its what drum library’s are missing. That’s why all of Drum Daddy’s samples were recorded at Capital House Studio. Owned, and operated by Nick Ingram, Nick spent years in the music industry learning the tricks and studying acoustics so he could build the best drum room. The studio features an impressive live room with 15′ ceilings, and cement floors to give the best acoustics for any kit. All samples were engineered and mixed by Nick Ingram.
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