Video Tutorials

Designing APIs for Microservices

Designing APIs is a critical skill when working with microservices. This course will teach you how to design APIs that align with microservices architecture principles and best practices.

What you’ll learn

As organizations move towards microservices architectures, the design of APIs becomes important for enabling seamless communication and integration between services. In this course, Designing APIs for Microservices, you’ll learn to create APIs that adhere to microservices best practices and support the overall architecture.

First, you’ll explore the key principles and patterns of API design in a microservices context. Next, you’ll discover how to handle service-to-service communication effectively and leverage API gateways for managing and orchestrating API requests. Finally, you’ll learn how to address data consistency challenges and implement secure and reliable APIs that interact with databases.

When you’re finished with this course, you’ll have the skills and knowledge needed to design robust and scalable APIs that power microservices-based systems.

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