Autodesk Civil 3D 2025.2.0 with Updated Extensions (x64)

Free Download Autodesk Civil 3D 2025.2.0 with Updated Extensions | 4.9 Gb
Autodesk has released Civil 3D 2025.2.0. This release includes new and updated features, performance enhancements, and fixes for Autodesk Civil 3D 2025.
Product Name:Civil 3D
Version:2025.2.0 Update with Updated Extensions *
Supported Architectures:x64
Website Home Page
Languages Supported:english
System Requirements:Windows **
Software Prerequisites:pre-installed Autodesk Civil 3D 2025.0 and above
Size:4.9 Gb
Release Notes for Autodesk Civil 3D 2025.2
This release includes new and updated features, performance enhancements, and fixes for Autodesk Civil 3D 2025. It is strongly recommended that you read this entire document before installing.
This document lists product fixes included in Autodesk Civil 3D 2025.2.
– Fixed an issue in which design automation would rebuild a corridor using PKT files.
– Fixed an issue in which feature lines extracted from a corridor moved after splitting the corridor region.
– Fixed an issue in which the refill factor field for the Quantity Take Off was empty.
– Fixed an issue in which the corridor baseline elevation dropped to 0 when it was cyclic.
– Fixed an issue in which it was impossible to set the start and end stations of a region as the transition start and end stations.
Dynamo for Civil 3D
– Fixed an issue where the CivilObject.SetStyle node would display a warning message for certain object types.
– Fixed an issue where the ProfileView.ByAlignment node would return null when the default object layer setting for new profile views was set to a layer that didn’t exist in the drawing.
– Fixed an issue where the Profile.LowPoints and Profile.HighPoints nodes would return incorrect values for certain vertical curves.
– Fixed an issue where the Object.Export node would occasionally fail to export objects.
– Fixed an issue where the Part.PartSize node would display a warning for null structures.
– Fixed an issue where the CorridorTarget.SetTargetToOption node would display a warning when using “nearest” or “farthest” for an elevation target.
– Fixed an issue where the Civil Object by Name node was unable to return a TIN surface when a TIN volume surface was also present in the drawing.
– Fixed an issue where the Point.ByGeometry node would return null when provided with a layer that did not exist in the current document.
– Fixed an issue where the Layer.Delete node would display a warning message saying that the layer was in use and could not be deleted, even though the layer could be deleted in the layer properties manager.
– Fixed an issue where the Layer.IsUsed node would sometimes return True even though the layer was not assigned to any objects.
– Fixed an issue where the Alignment.ByPoints node would return null when a default alignment style was not set in the drawing.
– Fixed an issue where the Surface.ContoursAtElevation node would incorrectly round the given elevation value.
– Fixed an issue where the Alignment.CantInfoAtStation node returned the wrong data type for the “Pivot” value.
– Fixed an issue where the PVI.NextPVI and PVI.PreviousPVI nodes would return incorrect values in certain cases.
– Fixed an issue where the PropertySetDefinition.AddAutomaticPropertyDefinition and PropertySetDefinition.AddManualPropertyDefinition nodes would modify existing non-automatic property definitions that shared the same name.
– Fixed an issue where the Object.SetHyperlink node would not update existing hyperlinks in certain cases.
– Fixed an issue where the Object.Hyperlink node would return the display name of the hyperlink.
– Fixed an issue where the Object.ReferenceDocuments node would display a warning message when the object did not have any attached reference documents.
– Fixed an issue where the Site.ByName node would not update the description of the site.
– Fixed an issue where the Profile.LowPoints node would display a warning and return null values when used with a surface profile.
– Fixed an issue where the Object.Rotation node would return 0 for objects that do not have a rotation property. The node now returns null in this scenario.
– Fixed an issue with the Label Blocks with Multileaders sample file that caused too many leaders to be created.
– Fixed an issue where the Civil3D_ReadAndWriteSubassemblyParameters sample graph would show warnings when run from the command line.
ESRI GIS Data Integration
– Fixed a stability issue that could occur when importing an ArcGIS layer.
– Fixed an issue in which version information was missing for the AeccFdoArcGISOnlineMgd.dll.
Feature Lines
Fixed an issue in which Weed Vertices would not function correctly for the Close Point Removal option.
– Fixed an issue in which edits to feature lines that are not in a site could not be saved when selecting Save As or Qsave.
– Improved performance when opening or regenerating drawings that include gradings.
– Improve performance of the landxmlin command when a file contains a large number of feature lines or 3d polylines added as breaklines.
– Fixed an issue in which importing a rail alignment with Cant information through LandXML caused unexpected results in Cant Tabular Editor.
– Fixed an issue in which radius values were displayed incorrectly after a Rail Alignment import from LandXML.
– Fixed an issue in which start and end stations were duplicated and imported as Manual Stations after a Rail Alignment import from LandXML.
– Fixed an issue in which some of the Cant Critical Stations or Cant Manual Stations were not included after a Rail Alignment import via LandXML.
– Fixed an issue in which labels on an xrefed parcel would be removed when opening a drawing.
Pressure Pipes
– Fixed an issue in which the profile view label was not correct for pressure part reference alignment stations.
– Fixed an issue in which a pressure pipe hatch in profile view did not trim to the profile view.
Profile View
– Fixed an issue in which the Horizontal geometry – Curvature displays incorrectly when an alignment starts with spiral.
– Improved performance when applying horizontal geometry bands and cant data bands in a profile view.
Rail Design
– Fixed an issue that occurred when a diverted alignment with spirals became disconnected when changed to backward.
– Fixed an issue in which column width truncated title data in the Cant Tabular Editor.
– Fixed an issue in which the order of critical stations could not be changed by changing its start station (End Level Rail and Begin Full Cant).
– Adjusted columns in the Cant Tabular Editor to display in a specific order to improve accessibility and readability.
– Fixed an issue where Cant information from Cant Tabular Editor was not fully cleared after removing attempt.
– Fixed an issue where the picked station for Cant Critical Station shows on alignment with Station Equation shows wrong value in Cant Tabular Editor.
– Fixed an issue in which some of Cant Critical Stations or Cant Manual Stations were not included after Rail Alignment import via LandXML.
– Fixed an issue where start and end station were duplicated and imported as Manual Stations by adjusting the import algorithm.
Reference Templates
– Fixed an issue in which layers used by blocks could be overridden by referenced templates when the AeccRefTemplateAutoUpdate system variable was set to 2.
Subassembly Composer
– Fixed an issue in which the “Add link to from point” checkbox could not be deselected.
– Fixed an issue that occurred in the Subassembly Composer flowchart when dragging a surface line in the preview window.
– Fixed an issue in which clicking Clear all Superelevation data in the Superelevation Tabular Editor did not clear all Superelevation data
Civil 3Dsoftware from Autodesk addresses the needs of civil engineering companies involved in standalone and BIM (building information modelling) Civil engineering projects. Built on a familiar AutoCAD platform AutoCAD Civil 3D has been specifically geared to address the challenging needs of civil engineers around the world involved in complex and demanding civil engineering projects such as land development, transportation and even water based engineering projects.
Autodesk Civil 3D 2025 What’s New
Christopher Antonowitsch presents what’s new in Civil 3D 2025. The focus is on performance: Autodesk has implemented optimizations to offer you a smooth experience. Discover the latest features in the Digital Terrain Model (DGM) that will improve your workflow. Use the Autodesk Intelligent Assistance Assistant to work more efficiently and save time. With the Performance Analyzer you get powerful analysis tools to ensure the optimal performance of your projects.
Autodeskhelps people imagine, design and create a better world. Everyone-from design professionals, engineers and architects to digital artists, students and hobbyists-uses Autodesk software to unlock their creativity and solve important challenges.
Civil 3D 2025.2 Object Enabler
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IFC for Civil 3D 2025
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