ANSYS Motor–CAD 2025 R1.1 Win x64 English

Free Download ANSYS Motor-CAD 2025 R1.1 | 1.3 Gb
Motor Design, a ANSYS business, announced the new release of Motor-CAD 2025 R1.1 is the world-leading dedicated electric motor design software for multiphysics simulation of electrical machines across the full torque-speed range.
Owner:Motor Design, a ANSYS business
Product Name:Motor-CAD
Version:2025 R1.1
Supported Architectures:x64
Website Home Page
Languages Supported:english
System Requirements:Windows *
Size:1.3 Gb
ANSYS Motor-CADis a dedicated electric machine design tool for fast multiphysics simulation across the full torque-speed operating range. Motor-CAD enables design engineers to evaluate motor topologies and concepts across the full operating range, to produce designs that are optimized for performance, efficiency and size. Motor-CAD software’s four integrated modules-EMag, Therm, Lab, Mech-enable multiphysics calculations to be performed quickly and iteratively, so users can get from concept to final design in less time. Motor-CAD’s intuitive, template-based setup simplifies and automates the analysis process while its built-in electromagnetic, thermal and mechanical solvers offer valuable multiphysics insights into a motor design. The simulations can be completed in a matter of seconds thus allowing ample time and scope for extensive design space exploration. ANSYS Motor-CAD enables engineers to produce optimized electric motor and generator designs to help meet the size, weight, energy efficiency, cost and other specifications. For deep analysis and validation of the motor design the Motor-CAD model can be transferred to ANSYS Maxwell, ANSYS Icepak and ANSYS Fluent. Combining these solvers with Motor-CAD delivers high-fidelity, 2D/3D analysis capability enabling users to analyze end-effects, demagnetization, core loss, hysteresis and other advanced electromagnetic phenomena, calculate the thermal envelope for operation and design complete motor cooling systems.
Electric Motor Design Using Ansys Motor-CAD – Part 1
In this video, you will learn the basic electromagnetic analysis of a motor using Ansys Motor-CAD. You will also see how to handle geometrical, material, winding, and solver parameters to produce results such as flux density and other Descriptions.
Electric Motor Design Using Ansys Motor-CAD – Part 2
In this video, the process of calculating quantities such as torque, winding current, voltage Descriptions, efficiency maps & torque speed curves will be demonstrated using Ansys Motor-CAD.
Motor Design a strategic software partner to ANSYS Inc, a global leader in engineering simulation software. The software links between Motor-CAD and ANSYS, provide a seamless approach to modelling and analysing electric motor designs. The two technologies work well together, taking designs from concept to production through the complete product development life cycle.
Ansysis the global leader in engineering simulation. By offering the best and broadest portfolio of engineering simulation software, we help solve the most complex design challenges and create products limited only by imagination. Founded in 1970, Ansys is headquartered south of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, U.S.A.