Altair Inspire PolyFoam 2024.1 Win x64

Free Download Altair Inspire PolyFoam 2024.1 | 4.6 Gb
Altairhas releasedInspire PolyFoam 2024.1is an essential toolset to simulate and validate the part design and physical processes that are required to create a polyurethane foam part
Product Name:Inspire PolyFoam
Supported Architectures:x64
Website Home Page
Languages Supported:english
System Requirements:Windows *
Size:4.6 Gb.
New Features and Enhancements 2024.1
Altair Inspire PolyFoam 2024.1 includes the following new features and enhancements.
Material Characterization
This new feature lets you characterize materials using experimental data. You can obtain this data by measuring the rising and temperature profiles in a simple cup test. You can then use the data in PolyFoam to fully characterize a new material effortlessly, utilizing AI in the background.
Mold Temperature Visualization Selection
The Mold Temperature result type is disabled by default to minimize simulation run time. You can re-enable the Mold Temperature result type in File → Preferences → Inspire Foam Analysis.
Improved Calculation Speed
Time step calculation algorithm and core scalability have been improved and calculation is now 10-20% faster in PolyFoam 2024.1.
Resolved Issues
Issues with respect to FSI analysis, subdivision shape detection, moving nozzle, and others have been resolved.
Inspire PolyFoamis the newest simulation analysis tool of Altair. It is an integral part of Inspire for manufacturing platform. With Inspire Polyfoam, learn and perform a mold filling simulation and evaluate design concepts. Inspire PolyFoam software predicts polyurethane reaction phenomena during the foaming process such as injection, foaming, curing and post-foaming considering chemical reactions and physical reactions. Inspire PolyFoam can predict the foaming pattern, heat and mass transfer including density distribution and temperature distribution according to the foaming component that affects the quality of the product.
Polyurethane Foam Simulation – Altair Inspire PolyFoam
Altairis a global technology company that provides software and cloud solutions in the areas of product development, high performance computing (HPC) and data analytics. Altair enables organizations across broad industry segments to compete more effectively in a connected world while creating a more sustainable future.